Healthcare professionals are responsible for continuously updating their knowledge and skills to ultimately benefit their patients or clients. To support this, the HPCSA has implemented a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program.


Each practitioner must accumulate 30 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) annually, with at least five units focused on ethics, human rights, and medical law. CEUs remain valid for 24 months from the date of the activity (or completion of post-graduate studies) before expiring. This means that professionals should aim for a total of 60 CEUs by the end of their second year of practice, and thereafter maintain this balance through ongoing CPD activities.

The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) has introduced a CPD platform on their website for practitioners to upload evidence of compliance, such as CPD certificates, in line with Section 26 of the Health Professions Act (Act No 56 of 1974). The previous method of random sampling for compliance checks has been discontinued. Since February 2022, all service providers must submit an attendance register to the HPCSA for upload to the CPD portal, and you should receive confirmation via email once this is done. It is advised to request a CPD certificate from service providers for your own records.

IJA (International Journal of Audiology)

The International Journal of Audiology is a leading international, subscription-based, peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of audiology.

It is the official publication of the International Society of Audiology, the British Society of Audiology and the Nordic Audiological Society.

The International Journal of Audiology publishes high-quality papers covering the multi-faceted and multi-disciplinary field of audiology, with a commitment to improving the science and practice of audiology around the world.

It is published monthly and is provided free-of-charge to BSA members. The IJA is jointly owned by the BSA, the International Society of Audiology and the Nordic Audiology Society.

SAAA - CPD Events
Please note that the South African Audiology Association (SAAA) cannot vouch for the credentials of any CPD events that have not been accredited by the SAAA.

“The South African Association of Audiologists represents the eyes, ears, voice and conscience of the profession of audiology.”